Monday, January 5, 2015


In a world similar like ours but different, that’s where I live. My name is Xahlia, there is no meaning or origins to my name. Every day before today there was an internal battle inside me, I believe all of us have the same battle everyday. Be brave or coward, do good or just walk away, do the right thing or just follow everybody else, be normal. Who does not want to be loved?

It’s not an easy beginning to start with. I was born in an Asian country and my parents were a high respected Christian pastor. As you can guest I don’t have a lot of freedom or choices of living. His dad kick him out of his wealthy house as soon as he find out, my dad decided to be a pastor instead of his successor. He does not approved of my parent’s marriage, as my mother, Clara comes from poor background. I was exposed to the goods and evildoers sooner than most children. I can see there is a lot of people helping with our economical problem, I was love and adore by all people at church but I can see the coldness in my grandfather eyes towards us. In results, I grow up faster than any other child around me.

Primary school was a dark dark place for me, it’s funny cause that’s the only time where my academic shine the brightest. I was a very good daughter, all parents want to have a child just like me. I study well, I don’t ask for anything, I never cried at the department store asking for toys, in conclusion I was well mannered. My parents was very radical, I can’t listen to Britney spears or Christina Aguilera or anyone apart from religious songs. They are very protective too, I can’t go to the mall with my friends like normal kids do without being followed by my driver or maid.

Today is the day I decided to write, to win against my long live enemies called insecurity and start living my dream.


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