Thursday, October 29, 2009

First day

This is the first day I decided to write a blog. Aku sudah mencoba meunulis beberapa blog sebelumnya tapi akhiranya saya slalu menghapusnya.. Ntah mengapa.. Mungkin rasa tak puas atau rasa malu yang muncul tiba-tiba.

Aku Freya, seorang gadis biasa yang sekarang ini sedang melanjutkan kuliah diluar negeri. Disinilah aku memilih untuk mencurahkan kisah hidupku, yang menurut kata salah satu seorang temanku dapat dimuat dalam 7 novel berseri. Mungkin dia hanya hiperbola saja.

Kisahku dimulai dengan masa kecilku yang tidak bisa dibilang suram tapi ntah mengapa penuh kepahitan yang mungkin juga karena salah diriku sendiri yang tak mampu menyuarakan isi hati ku sendiri.

Aku adalah seorang anak pendeta lumayan terkemuka di salah satu kota besar di Indonesia. Sejak kecil aku terbiasa untuk bersikap baik dan manis didepan semua orang. Aku terkenal tidak banyak bicara dan selalu menurut. Anak yang tidak pernah menyusahkan, ayahku slalu berkata seperti itu. Tapi dia salah karena didalam hati ini sekian banyak hal yang ingin aku teriakan tapi lidahku kelu tak sanggup berkata-kata.

Ayahku adahalah ayah yang sangat baik namun ketika aku berada di SD ia sangat protektif padaku. Ia tak mengijinkan aku untuk mendengar lagu dunia, jalan-jalan ke mall bersama teman-temanku dan keluarga kami pada saat itu kurang mampu sedangkan mereka selalu bergaul dengan orang-orang kelas atas dan anak-anak mereka sudah mempunyai dan memakai gadget-gadget atau barang-barang merek terkini dengan harga yang menjulang. Aku tak menunjukan sikap apapun pada orang tuaku, aku hanya diam dan menekankan pada diriku bahwa aku mengerti.

Ketika adiku lahir, aku sangat senang. Tapi itu membuat kepribadian ku menjadi lebih keras lagi. Aku berusaha melindungi dia supaya dia tidak menjadi seperti aku menderita didalam. Aku berusaha agar dia tidak mengalami apa yang aku alami.

Smua alasan itulah yang menjadikan diriku Freya yang keras, realistis, protektif dan independent. Atas smua alasan itu pulalah cerita hidupku pun berawal.

'Life isn't meant to be easy' -Malcolm Fraser-

The Mysterious Smile


It was only four o’clock in the morning. The sun was setting; the bedroom becomes indistinct in the shadow. I closed my eyes, waited for sleep. After sometime I understood that I would not sleep; my mind start to wander around.
Austin is an ordinary white collar guy with amazingly beautiful aura, pale skin colour, tall posture, with a thick black hair and he has the most mysterious charming smile according to Vienne. Austin and Luna, his wife moved to the apartment next to her a month ago. Luna on the other side is a skinny, chubby young woman with a successful carrier at the most famous bank in the country. I always had seen her complaining to her husband about everything, seriously everything.
“Ahhh... What a waste.. If Austin is my husband it wouldn’t have anything to complain about, his black collar eyes, his mysterious smile...” Vienne’s have been in love with Austin since the first day moved to the apartment next to her.
Vienne hate living in apartments, this is one of the reason. She can hear clearly what her neighbour talking about if they speak just a little bit louder. No privacy at all and the main reason is its disturbing her sleep. One night, she was awaked by a loud noise from the young couple who just moved to an apartment next to her, they keep arguing about the same thing over and over again. It makes her feel sick.
Vienne finally feel fed up, she jump out from her bed, mumbling. “It’s four o’clock in the morning for God sake! Can they let me sleep peacefully for at least for another couple hour?” And decided to knock on their door.
“I want to have a baby but not right now! Don’t you understand that Chris?” scream Luna terrified, when Austin heard the door knocking. “Arghh! It must be our neighbour. Why did you have to scream so loud? Can we talk nicely?”
He walks to the door and open it. “Me n my wife are deeply sorry, we must have disturb your sleep again.” He said with a sincere voice. Vienne can’t say a thing. His mysterious smile melts her down. “Why all the good men, has to be married?” Grunt Vienne deep inside her heart. “Hello? Vienne? Are you ok?” said Austin, his hand waving in front of her face. “I’m okay, and please keep the voice down” she said as cool as she can and turned around.
Back to her room, she feel exactly like one of those dreams in which you suddenly realize that you have a test you haven’t studied for and you aren’t wearing any clothes. And you left your wallet at home. “Damn, did he notice I was staring at him?”
“Austin!!! Can you please try to understand my situation???” scream Luna. Snap back to reality, Vienne felt horribly guilty for her feelings towards Austin, but what makes her terribly guilty she slept with Austin last night.
“But, it’s not my fault if Austin fall in love with me too right? “defending herself.
Another loud noise come from Austin’s apartment, it sounds like someone throw a cup, a glass or anything that could break to the floor. Vienne’s started to worried. Is it Luna? “ Silent for a couple of minutes feels like hell to her and then she heard another shouting.
“You cheated on me, do you???” Luna terrified.
“Oh No!!! How did she find out??” Vienne’s began to panic, she jump out of her bed and start to walk around the room, thinking and still waiting for Austin to reply Luna.
“Answer me!!!” Luna screams again.
“Lie Austin, just lied to her!” begged Vienne. She really loves Austin and doesn’t want him to hurt at all.
“Darling please slow down yout voice a bit!” Austin finally say a word.
“How dare you told me to slow down my voice?”and then another glass shattered sound followed by terribly noisy voice. It sound like an earthquake just happen in that apartement.
What happen? What happen? She wanders. Should I knock their door? Should I check them out? What if my darling Austin hurt? And then she decided to knock their door but no one answer.
“Austin? Luna? Are you guys okay?” whispered Vienne slowly. The door suddenly open. It’s Austin, Vienne’s heart jump in happiness.
“Hai Vienne...” He smile mysteriously with blood dripping on his lips. Vienne started to feel afraid
“What have happen Austin?”
“Don’t you love me Vienne? Finally we can be together. I love you”
She’s afraid, she want to scream but her body feels numb and Austin mysterious smile seems hypnotizing her, pulling her towards him. She knows something is wrong but she can’t resist his smile. She walk in to the room and she saw Luna’s dead body with blood all over her neck and the door closed, that’s the last thing she saw before cold hands pull her neck to the ground.
PS: This is just a story I made

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